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ナンバー16、2009年 目次へリンク 2009年9月30日発行
特集 図書館サービス評価:LibQUAL+®
Martha Kyrillidou(マーサ キリリドゥ)
全文PDFへリンク 180K

1 日本でのLibQUAL+®のはじまり
 北米研究図書館協会(Association of Research Libraries,以下ARL)がLibQUAL+®の実施可能性について慶應義塾大学からの問い合わせを受けたのは,2006年のことでした。以来,同大学のリーダーシップと支援を受け,共同開発による調査サイトの日本語翻訳がすすめられ,2008年に日本にLibQUAL+®が導入されるにいたりました。LibQUAL+®が,図書館の評価活動を強化し,サービスの改善を進める方法として,日本においても受け入れられたのです。

2 LibQUAL+®の基盤と研修機会

3 日本におけるLibQUAL+®の実施状況

4 2010年のLibQUAL+®開発予定
 2010年にかけて,LibQUAL+®は技術的な改造を伴う大規模な進展を予定しています。ひとつ目は,どの機関においても多言語による調査が可能になることです。もうひとつ,最も重要なのは,試験を重ねてきたLibQUAL+® Lite(ライブカル ライト)という調査プロトコルが利用可能になることです。LibQUAL+® Liteは22のコア設問の回答を収集する際,設問をサンプリングする手法を用います。それぞれの回答者は,割り振られた一部の設問だけを回答します。その結果,回答者はすべての設問に回答していた従来の調査のおよそ半分の時間で,回答が可能になります。一方,図書館は複数の回答者からの回答をあわせ,すべての設問に対する回答を受け取ることができます。LibQUAL+®に参加する図書館は,全問を受け取る回答者と一部の設問を受け取る回答者の割合を,たとえば25%と75%,10%と90%,あるいは0%と100%のように選択して指定することになります。

5 LibQUAL+®の意義

LibQUAL+® Japan Highlights
Martha Kyrillidou
(Senior Director, ARL Statistics and Service Quality Programs, Association of Research Libraries)

 ARL was approached by Keio University about the possibility of implementing LibQUAL+® at their institution in 2006. Through a collaborative process and leadership support from the university library, the survey was translated in Japanese and was successfully implemented in three Japanese libraries in 2008 forming the beginnings of LibQUAL+® Japan. An interest group that uses the LibQUAL+® methodology as a way of strengthening assessment activities and improving services in Japan.

 Training took place to ensure that the community was aware of the theoretical and practical underpinnings of the LibQUAL+® survey. Theoretically, LibQUAL+® is tied to the services marketing field and work done in this area by researchers like Berry, Zeithaml, and Parasuraman. From a practical viewpoint it has been developed in a grounded yet practical way through leadership involvement from Texas A&M university libraries and over the years hundreds of other institutions whose voices have contributed to a well recognized international library assessment protocol.

 The training in Japan took place in two different locations, Keio University and Osaka University for the purpose of reaching both public and private universities. LibQUAL+® brought together in these training settings a synergy between private and public universities in Japan, an unusual and highly productive boundary crossing as observed by my visitor eyes.

 Implementations as Keio University, Osaka University, and Kanazawa University were completed successfully in 2008. The National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies also joined them in 2009 with support from Maruzen. In our efforts to relate to the culture of our new partner libraries in Japan and facilitate the participation of the largest number of libraries possible we crafted a partnership with Maruzen. The ARL-Maruzen partnership attempts to bring LibQUAL+® to new Japanese library settings that may need support in implementing LibQUAL+®. It provides the added benefits of relating the LibQUAL+® concepts to the Japanese library management culture in the native context and adds another significant component to the community building dimension of LibQUAL+® Japan.

 As we move forward in 2010 some major developments are taking place in LibQUAL+® with the launching of a revamped technology platform. One of the key elements of the new platform is the ability to support multiple language implementations for any single library. So libraries that are facing the need to survey their users in a multiplicity of languages now have that option.

 Most importantly, the new platform is supporting a well-tested protocol known as LibQUAL+® Lite. A short form of the LibQUAL+® survey, LibQUAL+® Lite uses item sampling methods to (a) gather data on all 22 LibQUAL+® core items, while (b) each individual participant responds to ONLY a SUBSET of items. As a consequence, survey response times are roughly CUT IN HALF, while the library still receives data on every survey question! Each participating library selects "Lite-percentage View" to determine (a) the percentage of individuals who will RANDOMLY receive the survey long form, and (b) the percentage of individuals who RANDOMLY receive the new Lite view (e.g., 25%/75%, 10%/90%, 0%/100%) .

 Over the years, we increasingly have come to realize the benefits to libraries from participating in LibQUAL+® on a regularly-scheduled basis. Some libraries have even found it beneficial to participate every year because they have then been able to detect small changes in ratings that are meaningful given the movement over a period of 3, or 4, or even 7 years. There are also planning benefits to the project if libraries participate on a more structured basis. Therefore, we are moving to a fee structure that rewards periodic, structured participation, and encourages libraries to make participation decisions strategically, rather than on an ad hoc, one-time basis. We would like to see many libraries in Japan engaging in a systematic way and taking advantage of the new price structure.

 Understanding boundaries, bridging them successfully, and engaging library communities as they redefine their roles and seek to improve their services in search of service excellence is the cornerstone of the LibQUAL+® service. One of the major goals is to bring culture change in library services to transform them into agile, innovative and increasingly relevant operations in an information rich world. LibQUAL+® Japan has succeeded in all three of these modalities by engaging both public and private university libraries, bringing in extra support as needed, and ensuring that results are used effectively. The ability to engage in cross-institutional collaboration and engagement is enhance as LibQUAL+® allows us to learn from about each other within our institutions, our peer universities, and internationally across the globe.

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